Support options for customer relationship management


  • Magdaléna Cárachová


The success of any company is determined by customers, their satisfaction with products of the company, their satisfaction with access to them and their willingness to come back to the company. That's why every company must pay adequate attention amd time to customers. Companies are now increasingly oriented towards formation, development and efficient management of relationships with their customers. One of the causes of increased focus on high quality satisfaction of customer needs was the change in the nature of the competitive environment in the 90s and also the result of the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). The onset of the internet has strengthened the pervasiveness of competition. One of the most effective ways how business can differentiate from the competition is a perfect understanding of individual customers and their needs, a personal approach and an excellent level of services. The paper would like to point out that the knowledge of the customer and the art of maintaining and strengthening a good relationship with him is not at all above standard but rather a need without which a successful business is more of a happy coincidence than an expected result stemming from professionalism. A software tool enabling and promoting such relationship management is CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. Its successful implementation is the basis for working with customers in most companies. Such a system enables to comprehensively cover all customer-related processes.

Biografie autora

Magdaléna Cárachová

Katedra aplikovanej informatiky,Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky





