Viacúrovňový jednosmerný lineárny zoznam obsahujúci štruktúrované dáta v C++ programe


  • Igor Košťál Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky, Katedra aplikovanej informatiky,


One-way linked list is a dynamic data structure that is used for storing data in applications. It is very efficient using the application's memory space. The most widely used version of the one-way linked list is the single level linked list. However, there are also multi-level linked lists that are more elaborate, but the search for the required data elements in them is more efficient. There are implementations of multi-level linked lists in C programs with simple, unstructured data in their data elements (Niemann, 1999) (Pugh, 1990).We created a C ++ program that implements a multi-level linked list. It contains structured data in data elements. In the paper we deal with the principle and operation of a multi-level linked list, its implementation with structured data in its data elements in a C ++ program, outputs and operation of this program.





