Analýza vplyvu demografických faktorov na ekologické cítenie obyvateľov Slovenska


  • Ondrej Dúžik Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, KŠ, FHI
  • Romana Šipoldová Katedra štatistiky, FHI, EU


Environmental factors, ecological feeling, logistic regression


The issue of environmental protection is very actual topic and the popularity of ECO (environmentally friendly) products is increasing. Various associations and protest meetings are known around the world to protect the planet. It is true that nature is in real danger. However, we perceive that this topic is only really accepted by a certain group of people, and in order to make more radical solutions it is necessary to identify real promoters and a second group of people who are not familiar with this idea. There are many studies on this topic. We focused on data of the Slovak population. We examined what are the demographic and geographical factors that significantly characterize the ecological feeling of people. It is still a current statement that the preference of environmentally friendly products is only a matter of money. We have chosen the method of logistic regression to determine significant characteristics. With it we proved the significance / insignificance of individual factors, but also differences in relevant categories. The results of our research will provide a better understanding of the characteristics of Slovak citizens who are willing to live healthier and pay more for environmentally friendly products.


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