Optimalizácia rezania hutného materiálu


  • Juraj Pekár
  • Ivan Brezina
  • Jaroslav Kultan


optimálne rozdelenie materiálu, Python, minimalizácia strát, rezný plán, matematické programovanie


When cutting of metallurgical materials, especially metal bars, it is necessary to create a plan for optimal use of the material lengths to minimize losses of material. The material is supplied in the form of bars and some of orders are distributed checks to the material that needs to be cut. In the case of the balance of the rod, it is stored back in the warehouse. The aim of the paper is to create a methodology for optimizing the cutting of metal bars in order to minimize waste. The basic software in the spreadsheet editor MS Excel and in the Python language was also created. At the end of the article, an example of the solution of the optimal distribution of bar material for the company is given. Based on the customer's requirements and the list of available material, a cutting plan was created and the total waste was calculated. The article can serve as a basis for the creation of a data warehouse, which stores data not only on purchased materials, realized production, but also on the balances of material that can be used in further cutting. Data warehouse thereby allows a multidimensional view at cutting process management.


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