Legal and accounting aspects of a business contribution as a type of a business combination in the Slovak republic
business, assets, liabilities, contributor, contribution recipientAbstract
A contribution of a business is a part of a broader issue of certain types of undertakings joining into larger economic or legal units. This is known as business combinations in international accounting terminology. The aim of this paper is to comprehensively present and analyse the issue of the contribution of a business as one of the types of business combinations in the Slovak Republic from a legal and accounting point of view. The paper clarifies the contribution of a business transaction as one of the possible business combinations; explains the relationship between the contributor and the contribution recipient because their understanding is necessary for the correct accounting solution of this transaction; offers a comprehensive solution for the transfer of things, rights and property values forming a business in accordance with the Commercial Code. The paper also presents a comprehensive accounting solution to this issue from the point of view of both the contributor and the contribution recipient of a business or its part according to the currently valid accounting legislation.References