Zelené inovácie ako nástroj podpory environmentálneho podnikateľského prostredia Slovenskej republiky
Green innovation, sustainable development, Eco - innovation index, Renewal and development plan of the Slovak Republic, investment, subsidiesAbstract
At present, it is necessary to harmonize business activity and activity aimed at protecting the environment, because the increasing use of the environment leads to its endangerment. By assessing the fulfillment of the objectives of environmental aspects from the point of view of the concept of sustainable development in Slovakia and their instrument of fulfillment, the green economy is through green innovations, the importance of which has been growing in recent years. It is a specific type of innovation that involves environmental responsibility. The aim of the paper is to evaluate green innovations as a tool to support the environmental business environment in the Slovak Republic, because the Slovak government directed financial resources to green innovations through several operational programs and in July 2021 approved the Recovery and Renewal and development plan of the Slovak Republic by the Economic and Financial Affairs Council, thus Slovakia received among the first countries of the European Union funding for the implementation of green investments important for the sustainable future of Slovakia.References