Marián Goga
Katedra operačného výskumu a ekonometrie
Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky
Input-output models are a useful tool which is used to view internal links quantitative economic system. Author in the article indicates the type of model and possibilities of analysis of direct and indirect links in the economic system, which is divided into some subsystems. This distribution can be in terms of regional breakdown, breakdown by the significance of individual flows in the system and so on. In the article is theoretically derived formalized model of the economic system divided into two subsystems, while on illustrative example is shown its usefulness in the context ofmodelling the direct and indirect links in the divisional economic system. This type of model can also be used for analysis links in case of more subsystems, which of course creates more links. Implementation of these analyzes requires the availability of relevant statistics. Input-output model, which the author states in the article, is based on the assumption of a constant structure of the economy in terms ofshare production of each sector on total output, which on the one hand partially limits its applicability on long-term forecasting, however on the other hand this is balanced by suitability its use for analyzing the possible reaction of the individual components of the economy regarding the changes in the structure.