Lockdown a jeho dopady na ekonomické subjekty v Slovenskej republike


  • Miriama Blahušiaková
  • Lucia Ondrušová


uzavretie ekonomiky, finančná situácia, vládne opatrenia, COVID-19


At presence, the whole world faces the crises caused by COVID-19´s pandemic, when as a result of the restrictive measures adopted that were aimed to prevention of the virus´s spread there was a lockdown of economics in spring 2020, which means that the services, schools, boarders etc. were closed. The aim of the paper is to analyse the government remedies and legislative changes adopted to settle down the impact of the crises related to pandemic COVID-19 and to analyse the questionnaire survey´s results that was aimed to find out the impact of the government remedies on the financial position of subjects in the Slovak Republic.


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