Smart Cities: Informační podpora nástrojů Business Intelligence v procesu strategického plánování územních jednotek
Strategické plánování, Projektový inkubátor, Business Intelligence, Dimenzionální modelování, Vizualizace datAbstract
Today, strategic planning is a common activity of territorial units of various levels. The output of strategic planning is the document Strategic Plan and the Action Plan linked to it, which usually contains specific projects, ie the so-called project incubator. This work describes a possible connection or confrontation of the plan arising from the strategy with the actually realized expenditures, or subsidy revenues recorded in the economic information system. The connection is graphically displayed on the basis of multidimensional modeling and a possible online data visualization is described. A project incubator is a list of projects with the necessary additional attributes identifying the project, such as project location in the strategy structure, estimated amount of investment, start and end of implementation, etc. Online publicly available information on strategic plan implementation can increase document benefits and in line with the concept Smart Cities improve end-user awareness.References
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Obec Petřvald, (2020). Strategický plán rozvoje Obce Petřvald pro období 2017-2021. [online]. Dostupné na: [cit. 2020-11-17].