Tradičná výučba versus diaľková on-line výučba pri štúdiu informatiky na vysokej škole
E-learning, prezenčná výučba, diaľková výučba, COVID-19, pandémia, MS TeamsAbstract
The pandemic of the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-COV2 virus, which overpowered the world in 2020, has severely affected many areas of social life. The situation has deteriorated significantly in many sectors of the business sector, as a result of which many people have lost their jobs and their families have found themselves in an unfavorable financial situation. The typical way of life has also changed. Repeated lockdowns of the economy and bans on leaving housing have caused people to start spending much more time at home. While more time spent together can be beneficial for some families, for other families it’s less beneficial – depending on the quality of interpersonal relationships in that family. The area of education did not escape fundamental changes either. The forced transition to distance learning through various online education support systems has put not only students but also teachers themselves to a test of their capabilities. Both students and teachers had to get used to a new form of teaching with its benefits and pitfalls. In this article, we would like to present the results of a survey conducted with students at the University of Economics in Bratislava whose field of study is focused on IT. In the survey, we found out how they evaluate distance learning through the MS Teams learning support tool in comparison with the traditional classroom teaching they experienced before.References
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