Konštrukcia diferenciálnych rovníc a ich využitie v zdravotnom poistení
health insurance, differential equations, stochastic models, models with Markov property, critical illnessAbstract
As life expectancy has increased over the last few years, it can be assumed that this trend will continue. People live longer and "better", but their quality of life (regardless of age or gender) is increasingly threatened by various so-called civilization diseases. These diseases have become very widespread and are becoming a global problem for the entire population. Therefore, in this article we focus on the characteristics of critical illness, the creation of a general multistate model and its construction by applying stochastic methods in a four-state model in a specific health insurance product with additional insurance for critical illness. The paper also describes how it is possible to model the course of critical illness using a 4-state inhomogeneous and time-continuous model with Markov property.References
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