Data science and technology in the service of actuaries
Data science, big data, actuarial, life cycleAbstract
Rapid development and a large amount of quality data have a significant impact on the lives of almost all economic entities, including companies and enterprises and financial institutions. New technologies and data science can be a catalyst for further development of disciplines such as actuarial. New solutions for actuaries may offer alternative, statistically based methods of forecasting and estimating, even for traditional accounting and heuristic planning and cost analysis procedures. In this article we describe this method of data storage and processing, its possibilities and its connection with the control system.References
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Kalmár, P. (2017). Adattudomány és „Big Data” technológia a controlling szolgálatában. Biztosítás és Kockázat, 5(2), 2-5. doi:
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Turner, V., Ganzt, J. F., Reinsel, D., & Minton, S. (2020, July 17). The digital universe of opportunities: Rich data and the increasing value of the internet of things. Retrieved February 21, 2021, from