Analysis of Citizens of European Union Working in Individual Regions of Slovakia in the Years 2013 – 2019


  • Ľubica Hurbánková Katedra štatistiky, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky


Počet pracujúcich občanov Európskej únie, príspevková metóda, Suslovov koeficient


The aim of the paper is to analyse the regions of Slovakia on the base of the number of working citizens of European Union. The contribution method is used to find out, in which region increased the number of working foreigners the most and in which the least. Suslov´s coefficient of similarity of structures is used for analyse changes in structure of the analysed indicator. From the results of the realized analyse we found out that the number of working foreigners in Slovakia increased the most in 2014 compared to 2013, by 63.40%. The Bratislava Region (16.92%), the Žilina Region (11.37%) and the Prešov Region (9.63%) contributed the most to this increase. The Košice Region (0.91%) and the Trenčín Region (1.07%) contributed the least. In 2019, compared to 2018 was recorded an increase of only 6.10%. Suslov's coefficient of similarity of structures acquires the value 0.0230, which means a high degree of similarity of structures of the number of working foreigners in 2013 and 2019.  


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