Analýza výskytu mnohopočetných zdravotných komplikácií pri ochorení diabetes mellitus 2. typu


  • Erik Šoltés Katedra štatistiky, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky
  • Patrícia Jánošíková


type 2 diabetes mellitus, multiple health complications, logistic regression, least squares means, CONTRAST statement, ESTIMATE statement


The article analyses the incidence of multiple health complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus based on a sample of 821 patients. It is a statistical analysis based on the analysis of least squares means as well as testing and estimating linear combinations of binomial logistic regression model parameters using LSMEANS, CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements in PROC GENMOD and PROC LOGISTIC in the SAS programming language. The aim of the article is to identify the factors that influence the occurrence of multiple complications in the disease and quantify their impact. The result of the research is also the identification of the groups of diabetics with the highest and the lowest risk in terms of the occurrence of multiple complications and the estimation of the probability of the occurrence of multiple complications for these groups of patients.


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