Jitka Meluchová
Martina Mateášová
The current financial crisis is specific to its global extent, thanks to which it is spreading among particular country economies. The world economy overcomes the financial crisis only provided that public finances are stabilized. If restoring balance in the financial markets and re-win the trust of clients and investors. Specially united financial market regulation in European Union could give back lost credit to financial markets. European financial supervision must dispose by additional instruments to be able effectively monitors activities of all subjects on financial market and intervene in case of deficiencies found. Primary task of banks and insurance companies to overcome impacts of the crisis, stabilize their position on the market and strengthen their capital adequacy according to rules set by European Union. Projects Basel II and Basel III should ensure transparency of bank enterprising, more severe supervision of risk management and fortify own capital to improve ability of banks to face losses in times of crisis. Project Solvency II made up for insurance companies have an ambition to set up rules for ensuring their financial stability and protection of insured customers´ interests. In future it should protect from repeating of crisis situations. The aim of the article is to investigate impacts of global recession on actual development of financial market at chosen subjects and analyze process of accepting of new rules in European Union, which have to ensure their economic prosperity in the future.