Porovnanie funkčného a procesného prístupu k riadeniu podniku
Podnikové procesy, podnikové funkcie, business process reengineering, manažmentAbstract
It has been about 30 years since the process management of companies as a tool for the increase of their efficiency, better organization and better use of business information systems has been firstly spoken about. Nevertheless, the topic of business process management remains misunderstood by many managers, since they do not understand the basic differences between functional and process management and therefore do not know how to use this tool effectively. Therefore, the aim of this article is to clarify and explain the basic differences between these two forms of management in a simple way so that this article serves as a springboard for further study and interest in the issue. This is a topic that is still very relevant, as we live in time, where there is a lot of pressure to ensure the digitization and automation of businesses to a high degree, which is related not only to anti-pandemic measures, but also to the planned transition to Industry 4.0 (i.e. the fourth industrial revolution).References
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